Server's Corner

What is a Writ

Currently there seems to be more and more legal terms that when you don’t know what they mean can make things very confusing. Roland Investigations has a vast knowledge of legal jargon due to our years of legal experience in various fields. With a total of over 85 years of combined experience, there isn’t much that we don’t know and can’t handle. Roland Investigations wants to help you with regards to understanding what a writ is and the process of serving such documents. Here is the breakdown of what a writ is and some examples of them.

What is a writ? In short, the meaning of this term is a legal document that is written by a judge or another body that has legal administrative or judicial jurisdiction, like a court, that orders a person to preform or to stop preforming a specified action. This all sounds fine and nice but that still doesn’t mean very much without an example to put it all in perspective. There are several different types of writs that will help to expand the meaning of it. Keep in mind there is more than just the few that we will mention below. The examples will help to you to grasp the true meaning of what a writ is.

Types of Writs. There are many different types of writs that you are familiar with such as a warrant and subpoena. They are among the mostly commonly known and used. Being familiar with these names can help you to understand what a writ means. When it comes to a warrant, it’s a writ that is issued by the judge or magistrate, allowing the police officer to search the home or property of the persons stated in the document. Another type of warrant is that to arrest an individual. Another type of warrant is that to execute one who has been sentenced to death. When it comes to a subpoena there are different types, although the more widely used type is that of ordering an individual to testify or produce evidence.

Regardless of the type of writ though, it needs to be served following legal procedures. This is where Roland Investigations comes into play. We provide process of service for everyone. Being based in Denver, CO we are among the most highly rated companies to serve any documents you need served. This includes writs such as subpoenas and warrants. Our team is the most qualified in the business. We serve the legal documents you need in the timeframe needed. Call us today or fill out an online request form!

By Roland Investigations 4-10-2019



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