The Process Servers Association of Colorado board of directors has filed a Sunrise Application with the Department of Regulatory Agencies asking that they require process servers to pass a fingerprint-based background check and pass a juris prudence examination prior to practicing in Colorado. On October 14, 2016 DORA made its recommendations, see the entire Sunrise Application and recommendations.
By James D Roland 1-25-2017
The Process Servers Association of Colorado will be holding a Conceal Carry course at the Serve Now Offices located at 3120 Blake Street Denver, CO 80202 on November 5, 2016 from8 am to 2 pm. The course is for all process servers and private investigators that conduct business in Colorado.
Course Length: 8 Hours-Course of instruction will include approximately 6 hours of classroom instruction (Saturday) and a minimum of 2 hours on the range (Sunday)
Course Requirements-Semi-automatic pistol of at least .380 caliber, minimum of 2 extra magazines, 200 rounds of ammunition, hearing and eye protection, serviceable holster, training mindset.
Course Introduction-This Defensive Handgun course gives you a solid foundation beyond basic gun handling and marksmanship skills. Topics covered include the following: safety, stance, grip, sight alignment and trigger control; holster selection, concealment methods, ammunition selection.Familiarization with their service pistol includes field stripping and maintenance. In addition to this, other topics that are covered include reloads, draw, and introduction to different skill drills including dry fire, malfunction drills and point shooting.
Range Drills-Range drills include Close-Contact, Palm-Strike Step-Back, response to threats right, left, and rear, supported kneeling, moving and shooting, using cover and concealment, shooting at distances up to 25 yards.
If your interested Register Here
By James D Roland 1-25-2017
I recently Attended the Process Servers Association of Colorado's - Process Servers Certification course and was ver pleased with the information that I obtained from this 2 day course. I myself have been serving since 1994 so I have a ton of civil Laws in Memory. This course refreshed my memory and gave me more accurate up-to-date information on many of the laws that changes in the last 20 years.
Even though you do not need to be certified in Colorado to be a Process Server I feel that the course will help all process servers in effectuating service more effient anf timely. If you would like more information on the Certification Course please go to the PSACO website and sign up for the next course.
The curriculum is fabulous!!!!
By James D Roland, CPS 1-25-2017
What is “Project Documentation”?
“Project Documentation” is a program to document service attempts at location(s), where service is blocked or denied at an individual’s workplace or residence, or a company’s place of business.
The data collected, will assist PSACO’s presentation to the Colorado Legislature in 2015. Data collected we be held in the strictest confidence and not distributed to the public.
PSACO will address the Colorado Legislature in 2015 in an attempt to gain access or assistance to effect service of process in gated and/or secure communities and non-government businesses. We believe denial to these properties for the purpose of effecting service of process, is denying individuals and companies the constitutional right to due process. We will request the same level of access afforded to those delivering UPS and FedEx packages, the US Mail and pizza. Our goals is, access or assistance in effecting service of process, or the ability to serve those with authority to deny access or assistance, by refusal on the first attempt, without the necessity of obtaining a court order. Those with authority to deny access or assistance include but are not limited to, security guards, property managers, business managers, supervisors and legal department personnel. Access to facilities on federal property, or facilities housing sensitive government information, will be excluded.
PSACO requests your assistance in gathering data. Should you or a process server contracted by you, be denied access or assistance to effect service of process in a gated or secure community, an individual’s workplace, non-governmental business, or at a business who refuses to accept service documents at their place of business, please complete the Project Documentation form and mail, email or fax, a copy of the completed form, along with a copy of the case caption you are attempting to serve to:
c/o Cindy Johnson, PSACO, Vice President
8547 E. Arapahoe Road, J-593, Greenwood Village, CO 80112
Fax: 877-331-8511
Examples of a blocked service attempt
By James D Roland 1-25-2017
On July 2, 2012, the Colorado Supreme Court released numerous updates to the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure and the Colorado Rules of County Court Civil Procedure dealing with process, service of process, and the filing of pleadings. Amendments were made to the following rules:
These amendments were adopted on June 21 and are effective immediately.
Click hereto review the red line changes to these civil procedure rules, outlined as Rule Change 2012 (10)
I would like to thankSteve GlennPresident of the Process Servers Association of Colorado ( for being the Communicator that he is which opened doors to meet with the member of the Colorado Supreme Court which in essence allowed the above changes to happen.
By James D Roland 1-25-2017
Ready for a career change? Becoming a process server is a rewarding career if you're honest, hardworking, and reliable. So where do you begin? First, you need to understand what a legal process server does. A process server is hired by attorneys and legal support teams from across the country, that need legal documents served to individuals. It is then the responsibility of the process server, to properly serve the documents while abiding by the originating state's laws governing the service of process. Second, you need to understand the laws. Some states require you to be licensed, some states do not. Check out theProcess Server Lawsfor your state. Third, you should get experience with a reputable process serving firm in your area. Very few careers will present you with so many unique situations that you must deal with as being a process server. Experience is by far the best teacher. You can find Process Server Training material atProcess Server Instituteand atPIMall. You can also find valuable information in process server books. |
By N.P.S.A. 1-25-2017
Mary Kantorowski didn’t get a birthday gift from her son on her 98th birthday; she got an eviction notice.
The great grandmother has lived in her Fairfield, Conn. home since 1953, raising two sons there with her late husband.
Now, she’s fighting her eldest son, whom she hasn’t seen in months, as he tries to force her out and sell the house.“I didn’t think he would do it,” Mary Kantorowski toldWTNH-TV.
According to the Connecticut Post, she and her husband signed the house over to their son in the 1990s under the condition that Mary would live there until her death. She still pays all her bills with her Social Security money, WTNH reported, but that didn’t stop Peter Kantorowski, 71, from serving his mother with papers in December.
He told the Post the move is meant to be for his mother’s own good.
“She would be better off living with people her own age,” Peter Kantorowski, a retired taxidermist, said.
Peter Kantorowski told WTNH his mother has fallen a few times and worries about her safety and security, though he admitted he hasn’t actually been to see her in eight months.
According to the Post, a judge went and visited Mary in her house, and following an examination by a geriatric specialist, ruled her competent to handle her own affairs and assigned attorney Richard Bortolot as a voluntary conservator. Within weeks of serving his mother with the eviction notice, Peter Kantorowski attempted to put the house up for sale — a move that was stopped in court proceedings.
“I’ve been practicing a long time, and I’ve seen a lot of nasty things and this is, you know, he’s really made the top ten list,” Bortolot told WTNH.
Mary Kantorowski‘s other son Jack told the station he’s appalled by what his older brother is doing. He said he and his fiance visit his mother twice a week.
“I just don’t understand him at all, what’s happening with him, there are no other words to call him, he’s just a scumbag,” he told WTNH.Peter Kantorowski admitted he hasn’t found a nursing home to put his mother in yet, but insisted to the station he wasn’t “throwing her on the street.
“My family’s all here, my family’s all here,” Mary Kantorowski told WTNH.
“Well I’m all settled here, so you know I’ve got my friends.
”The case will go to court March 2.
By Madeleine Morganstern 1-25-2017
Prescott police arrested a man Saturday on charges including attempted second-degree murder after a process server who posted papers at the man's home told police the man shot him in the back as he walked back to his vehicle. |
By Lisa Irish - The Daily Courier 1-25-2017
For the 2,973 people who perished September 11, 2001 after hijacked planes crashedin New York City in Arlington, Virginia and in Pennsylvania. The victims were mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers of many faiths and races who came from more than 80 nations.All who were killed died working and living the American dream.
At the World Trade Center
An earlier terrorist bombing of the towers killed six people on February 26, 1993, but left the twin towers standing.
The great majority of the over 40,000 people working at the World Trade Center complex at the time of the attack were evacuated safely, including 18 who escaped from above the impactzone in the second tower. BySeptember 20,2001, 6,291 people, including rescue and recovery workers, had been treated for injuries; only five persons were found alive in the rubble (David Lim, Will Jimeno and John MacLaughlin of the Port Authority Police, Armando Reno of the FDNY, and Port Authority Clerk Genelle Guzman). BySeptember 7,2002, there were 2,792 confirmed fatalities and 1,058 bodies identified. This total includes the 127 people on the two aircraft (not including the 10 hijackers). The dead included 343 fire fighters of the FDNY including Chaplain Father Mike Judge; and FDNY Chief Peter Ganci; 23 officers of the NYPD; 11 Emergency Service medics (EMS); 1 FBI Agent and 1 Agent of the U.S. Secret Service; 37 Port Authority of New York and New Jersey police officers including Port Authority Superintendent of Police and Director of Public Safety Fred Morrone and Port Authority canine officer "Sirius." Bill Biggart, a photojournalist, also perished in the collapse of the towers. He was the only journalist killed.
American Airlines flight 11
A Boeing 767 on a morning Boston to Los Angeles flight (north towerof World Trade Center). The plane was hijacked soon after take-off at 8:02 EDT, and was crashed into the north side of the northern tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46 AM EDT, approximately between floors 96 and 103. 92 people: 81 passengers (including 5 hijackers, 9 flight attendants, 2 pilots, and also including David Angell, creator and executive producer of the television. show "Frasier" were killed.
United Airlines flight 175
A Boeing 767 on a morning Boston to Los Angeles route. On September 11, 2001, the plane was hijacked and on or about 9:03 AM EDT crashed into the south side of the southern tower of the World Trade Center, approximately between floors 87 and 93, exploding on impact. The plane was carrying 56 passengers and 9 crew members. There were no survivors.
At the Pentagon
The Pentagon reported 125 staffers killed or missing, including the highest ranking officer to die, Lt. General Timothy Maude and Max Bielke, who the last official U.S. combat soldier to leave Vietnam. With 118 remains recovered and identified, as of Sep 2002. One person died later as a result of wounds sustained.
American Airlines Flight 77
64 passengers and Crew died. Among the victims was Barbara K. Olson, a conservative author, lawyer and wife of U.S. Solicitor General, Theodore Olson, as well as two Washington, D.C. "National Geographic Magazine" staff members, three teachers and three children who were traveling to California on a National Geographic Society sponsored trip.
In Pennsylvania
United Airlines flight 93
United Airlines flight 93 was a Boeing 757 on a morning Newark-to-San Francisco route. On 11 Sep 2001 the plane was hijacked by a four man hijacking team. Evidence suggests that the hijacking was apparently thwarted by the efforts of the plane's passengers and flight attendants. The plane crashed southeast of Pittsburgh in Somerset County, Pennsylvania. The plan was carrying 37 passengers and 7 crew members. There were no survivors. Todd Beamer, a passenger, tried to place a credit card call but was routed to a customer service representative instead, who passed him on to supervisor Lisa Jefferson. She called the FBI. Beamer reported that one passenger was dead. He asked if together they could pray the Lord's prayer, which they did. Later, he told the operator that some of the plane's passengers were planning "to jump" the hijackers. The last words Ms. Jefferson heard from the plane were "Are you ready guys? Let's roll." The plane crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 AM, killing all aboard. It is believed that this aircraft was intended to be crashed into the United States Capitol building in Washington, DC, Congress was in session at the time.
By James D Roland 1-25-2017
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