Online Service Tracker

Our Online service of process notifications are fantastic

Roland Process Service & Investigations, state-of-the-art information system allows our clients online access to historical job records and status, including scanned service affidavits. Current clients looking to take advantage of this resource may request a login by contacting our office.

As a client of Roland Process Service & Investigations, LLC., you have secure access to all your account information, affidavits and work in progress via the Web. Our online database updates continuously throughout the day, enabling up to the minute information available around the clock, including:

Log in for Status Checks
Enter your User Name and Password:

You can use "test" as the Username & "test" as the Password to see an example. Note: You will need to enable Session Cookies to use this feature.

These on-line services are available to all clients at no additional charge. To access your information, log into our client services section and enter your user name and password when prompted. New clients will be issued a unique user name and password for our case management program.

If you have any Password or System Access questions, please e-mail RPS&I at or call our system administrator at 720-382-1882.

Important Note About Security: Due to the sensitive nature of available online information, connecting to our Client Services section initiates a Secure Socket Layer(SSL) encrypted link. To use this service, a browser capable of SSL security (such as Netscape or MS Internet Explorer) is necessary.