Server's Corner

Common Questions About Process Serving: Insights from Roland Investigations

Common Questions About Process Serving: Insights from Roland Investigations

Process serving is a crucial component of the legal system, ensuring that individuals are properly notified of their involvement in a court proceeding. At Roland Investigations, we often encounter numerous questions about process serving from our clients. Here, we provide answers to some of the most common inquiries to demystify the process and highlight the importance of professional process serving services.

What is Process Serving?

Process serving is the delivery of legal documents, such as subpoenas, summonses, complaints, and other court papers, to the individual required to respond to them. It ensures that the person being served is formally notified and given an opportunity to respond to the legal action being taken against them.

Why is Process Serving Important?

Process serving is a critical part of the legal process for several reasons:

  • Legal Compliance: It ensures that legal procedures are followed correctly, upholding the integrity of the judicial system.
  • Due Process: It guarantees that individuals are aware of legal actions against them, allowing them to prepare a defense.
  • Evidence of Notification: It provides proof that the individual has been notified, which is essential for the case to proceed in court.

Who Can Serve Legal Papers?

Legal papers must be served by an individual who is not a party to the case and is at least 18 years old. While anyone meeting these criteria can serve papers, hiring a professional process server, like those at Roland Investigations, is highly recommended. Professionals ensure that the documents are served correctly and provide evidence of service, which is crucial for the legal process.

What Methods Are Used for Process Serving?

There are several methods for serving legal documents:

  • Personal Service: The documents are handed directly to the individual.
  • Substituted Service: If the individual cannot be served personally, documents may be left with a suitable person at the recipient’s home or workplace.
  • Service by Mail: Documents are sent via certified mail, requiring a return receipt.
  • Publication: In cases where the individual cannot be located, documents may be published in a newspaper as a last resort.

What Happens if the Person Cannot Be Found?

If the individual cannot be found despite reasonable efforts, Roland Investigations utilizes advanced skip tracing techniques to locate them. Skip tracing involves using various databases and investigative methods to track down individuals who are difficult to find. If the person remains elusive, alternative methods such as service by publication may be employed.

How Long Does the Process Serving Take?

The time required for process serving can vary based on several factors, including the individual's location and availability. Professional process servers at Roland Investigations aim to complete the service as quickly as possible, often within a few days to a week. However, complex cases may take longer, especially if skip tracing is needed.

What Proof is Provided After Service?

Once the documents are successfully served, a process server provides an affidavit of service, also known as a proof of service. This document includes details about how, when, and where the papers were served. The affidavit is then filed with the court to demonstrate that the individual has been properly notified.

Why Should I Hire a Professional Process Server?

Hiring a professional process server, such as those at Roland Investigations, offers several benefits:

  • Expertise: Professionals are familiar with the legal requirements and procedures for process serving.
  • Efficiency: They can often locate and serve individuals more quickly than non-professionals.
  • Reliability: Professional servers provide accurate and timely proof of service, ensuring that your case can proceed without delays.
  • Safety: They handle potentially volatile situations with experience and care, minimizing the risk of confrontations.


Process serving is a fundamental aspect of the legal system, ensuring that individuals are properly notified of their legal obligations. By understanding the importance and intricacies of process serving, you can appreciate the value of hiring professionals like Roland Investigations to handle this critical task. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing efficient, reliable, and discreet process serving services to meet your legal needs. If you have any further questions or require process serving assistance, contact Roland Investigations today. We are here to help you navigate the legal process with confidence.

By Roland Investigations 5-31-2024



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