Server's Corner

What Should You Do When You Have Been Served

What Should You Do When You Have Been Served

You’ve just been served a subpoena, now what? Being served may come as a shock. Try not to freak out. The first step you should take is to review the document. Important information will be on it that will influence what your next steps should be. For example, the document should state if a reply on your end is required by a certain date. You may also find the court date and time described on the paperwork, if it has already been scheduled.

Do Not Ignore It

No matter what, no matter if you do not recognize the plaintiff on the subpoena, or if you do not think the papers were served properly, do not ignore the subpoena. Only a court can determine if paperwork was not delivered properly and if you do not respond to the subpoena, the court will move on without you. By not responding, you will give the plaintiff the advantage in the court hearing, and you will forfeit your right to defend yourself.

Do Show Up

If a court date is listed on the documents you receive, be sure to be there. The court has the right to set this date even without your defense. So, make whatever adjustments to your schedule you need to in order to make that court date. And at the very least, make sure your lawyer is present for that court date. Having a lawyer to guide you and assist you through the subpoena and court hearing process is always beneficial, but this is even more so true when you are confused about your involvement in a court case. Do not hesitate to contact an attorney when you first are served with a subpoena.

Court documents need to be delivered to the right people, in the right way, by the right time for court cases to proceed properly. When you need papers delivered in a timely and professional manner, give Roland Investigations a call.

By Roland Investigations 3-16-2022



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