Server's Corner

Understanding Summons and Complaint: Key Legal Documents in Civil Litigation Part 2

As we have discussed in the previous month, navigating the complexities of civil litigation isn’t easy and requires a solid understanding of the legal documents that initiate and drive the process. Last month we delved into understanding what a summons is. This month we will tackle understanding what a... [read more]

By Roland Process Service & Investigations Staff 6-1-2024

Common Questions About Process Serving: Insights from Roland Investigations

Common Questions About Process Serving: Insights from Roland Investigations

Process serving is a crucial component of the legal system, ensuring that individuals are properly notified of their involvement in a court proceeding. At Roland Investigations, we often encounter numerous questions about process serving from our clients. Here, we provide answers to some of the most common inquiries... [read more]

By Roland Investigations 5-31-2024

Understanding Summons and Complaint: Key Legal Documents in Civil Litigation Part 1

Navigating the complexities of civil litigation requires a solid understanding of the legal documents that initiate and drive the process. Two of the most fundamental documents in this realm are the summons and complaint. These documents serve as the cornerstone of civil lawsuits, formally notifying defendants of the legal... [read more]

By Roland Process Service & Investigations Staff 5-1-2024

Understanding the Legal Power of Temporary Restraining Orders

Understanding the Legal Power of Temporary Restraining Orders

In the realm of law and order, there are few tools as potent and immediate as the Temporary Restraining Order (TRO). In the complex landscape of legal proceedings, a TRO stands out as a swift and decisive measure to prevent imminent harm or preserve the status quo. As... [read more]

By Roland Investigations 4-29-2024

Can Friends and Family Serve Your Divorce Papers

Can Friends and Family Serve Your Divorce Papers

The process of initiating a divorce can be emotionally challenging, and navigating the legal requirements adds another layer of complexity. One common question that arises is whether family members or friends can serve divorce papers on behalf of the petitioner. In this article, we'll delve into this topic... [read more]

By Roland Investigations 3-14-2024

How Skip Tracing Enhances the Efficiency of Process Servers

How Skip Tracing Enhances the Efficiency of Process Servers

The role of process servers is pivotal when it comes to legal proceedings. Process servers are tasked with the crucial responsibility of delivering legal documents, such as subpoenas or court orders, to specific individuals involved in legal cases. To achieve this, process servers often rely on a valuable... [read more]

By Roland Investigations 2-19-2024

Navigating Legal Frontiers in the Social Media Era: A Closer Look at Process Serving

Navigating Legal Frontiers in the Social Media Era: A Closer Look at Process Serving

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, its impact on legal matters has become a focal point, sparking debates and landing in courtrooms. While the digital realm connects long-lost friends and serves as a powerful tool for businesses, it also opens the door to legal complexities. In this... [read more]

By Roland Investigations 1-24-2024

Unveiling the Complex World of Financial Investigations

Unveiling the Complex World of Financial Investigations

Financial investigations play a crucial role in uncovering illicit activities, fraud, and financial discrepancies. At Roland Investigations, we specialize in navigating the intricate landscape of financial inquiries. Here are answers to some common questions about financial investigations. What is a Financial Investigation? A financial investigation is a comprehensive... [read more]

By Roland Investigations 12-19-2023

Understanding Service Definitions

Understanding Service Definitions

At Roland Investigations, we offer a range of services tailored to the diverse needs of service of process, because we know that everyone's legal circumstances are unique. Serving the correct documents to the right individual within the specified timeframe is a critical step in initiating legal proceedings. Navigating... [read more]

By Roland Investigations 11-20-2023

How to Hire a Trustworthy Process Server

How to Hire a Trustworthy Process Server

Hiring a trustworthy process server is essential when you need legal documents served to individuals or entities as part of the legal process. A reliable process server can ensure that documents are served correctly and within the legal guidelines. Here are some signs to look for when assessing... [read more]

By Roland Investigations 10-31-2023



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