Whether you need someone to be served or a someone to be found, Roland Investigations is a friend you can trust here in Aurora, CO. We care about each person that we work with. We offer a variety of services to help match your specific needs. Each person and case is different so we understand that your needs will also be different. We take the time to learn and understand what those needs are so that we can provide you with the best care and services to fit them.
Skip Tracing is one of the services we offer. Many people try to run from the law so we ensure that no matter where they run, even if it’s out of state, they can be found. If you are looking for someone that can’t be found whether it’s because of the law or another reason, then call us today! We have skilled people in our company to handle these delicate situations and find the missing persons.
Service of Process is another service we offer here in Aurora, CO. We know that whether you have a witness that needs to be served or you’ve filed a lawsuit and the defendant needs to be served, it can get tricky. Roland Investigations makes it easy for you though. No matter what your deadline is we ensure that an appropriate number of attempts is made in whatever time limit you have. Just fill out a request form today and we will take care of the rest! We have many other services we offer for the residents of Aurora, CO.